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German idealism: Sources and Influences


  • Protopopov Ivan Alekseevich
  • Nogovitsin Oleg Nikolaevich      

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 3, No. 1/2 (5/6) 2014

  • I. A. Protopopov. The concept of nothing and the principle of negativity
    in the Logic of Hegel - И. А. Протопопов. Понятие «ничто» и принцип негативности в Логике Гегеля - PDF текст в PDF, 434 KB.

    This article devoted to the investigation of the concept of nothing and
    the principle of negativity in the Logic of Hegel. The author shows that nothing, conceivable of Hegel in a positive way is the ontological basis of negativity, which is revealed in the form of a certain principle negation, related with itself, causing to the development of thinking in its identity with the being. The certain negation in Hegel’s speculative dialectic has, primarily, the form of the immediate negativity of pure being, which in his identity with nothing is the beginning of the existence of all things, then, the form, mediated negativity essence, conceivable in reflective definitions of identity, difference and contradiction and the highest form of absolute negativity of concept, which in the opposite to each other moments of universal,
    particular and singular revealed as absolute, positing himself the subject.

  • A. A. Ivanenko. Article Hegel’s «Faith and knowledge» between philosophy
    of identity and the «Phenomenology of spirit» - А.А. Иваненко. Работа Г.В.Ф. Гегеля «Вера и знание» между философией тождества и «Феноменологией духа». Предисловие к русскому переводу первых двух частей - PDF текст в PDF, 204 KB.

    The article highlights the history of the publication of the «Critical journal of philosophy», which in 1802 was first published work of G. W. F. Hegel «Faith and knowledge». In this regard highlights the Hegelian conception of philosophical criticism of this period of his philosophical development, which was the basis of the ideological program of this journal. On the basis of the starting points of this
    critique is installed Hegelian view of that period about the philosophy and its connection with Schelling’s philosophy of identity, as well as upcoming path differences of the two great idealists.

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 2, No. 1/2 (3/4) 2013 

  • I. A. Protopopov. Hegel’s Logic as speculative theology and the concept
    of God in his «Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion» - Протопопов И. А. Гегелевская логика как спекулятивная теология и понятие о Боге в его «Лекциях по философии религии» -PDF текст в PDF, 354 kb.

    The article is devoted to the problem of theological interpretation of Hegel’s Logic, which is conceived as speculative theology in correlation with the concept of God in his «Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion». The author shows that the «Science of Logic» of Hegel as a science, representing the self-revelation of the absolute idea, manifests own existence of God, which is cognized in the form of concept. It is metaphysical theology, which considers the evolution of the concept of God in the sphere of pure thought. However, the absolute idea unfolding of the existence of God in his eternal
    essence attains a higher concrete being only through unity with the human consciousness in the form of self-knowledge of the absolute spirit. Not the original being, but self-revelation of God through the positing of her for himself being, investigated in the framework of the «Philosophy of Spirit», makes the true actuality as Spirit.

  • A. B. Patkul. The Comments to the Publication of the Russian Translation
    of F. W. J. Schelling’s Treatise «On the Source of Eternal Truths» - Паткуль А. Б. К публикации русского перевода «Трактата об источнике вечных истин» Ф. В. Й. Шеллинга -PDF текст в PDF, 419 kb.

    This article is made as the comments, which accompanies the publication of translation of late F. W. J. Schelling’s treatise titled «On the Source of Eternal Truths»
    (1850) in Russian. Three reasons of actuality of such translation are emphasized here. Frist of all, it shows the originality of Schelling’s relationship to the history of philosophy,
    including ancient and medieval philosophy. In the second place, the treatise let us see peculiarity of Schelling’s position in the framework of philosophy of modern philosophy in general and of the German idealism in particular. In the third place, this could shape
    the understanding of Schelling’s late philosophy for contemporary philosophy.

  • Ф. В. Й. Шеллинг. Трактат об источнике вечных истин. Пер. А. Б. Паткуля;
    коммент. А. Б. Паткуля,В. Л. Иванова, О. Н. Ноговицина - PDF текст в PDF, 689 kb.

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 1, No. 1/2 (1/2) 2012

Last update of the web-page - 27.07.2015

© Authors of "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology", 2012 -2015
© Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), 2012 -2015

® "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" (www.einai.ru). Scientific peer-reviewed E-periodical. ISSN 2226 - 0897. Scientific-Educational Centre for Problems of Religion, Philosophy, Culture to SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation), Russia. The Сertificate of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) of Russia on registration of Mass media Эл № ФС77- 48335
