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Scholastic tradition and Renaissance humanism


  • Pogonyailo Alexander Grigorevich
  • Ivanov Vitaly Lvovich

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 3, No. 1/2 (5/6) 2014

  • V. L. Ivanov. Luis de Molina SJ and the beginnings of scholastic theology
    of the Society of Jesus. Translator’s foreword to the publication of the 52nd Disputation of Concordia - В. Л. Иванов. Луис де Молина, ОИ, и начала схоластической теологии Общества Иисуса. Предисловие к публикации перевода 52-й диспутации «Конкордии» - PDF текст в PDF, 343 KB.

    The article is a historiographical introduction to the translation (with
    commentaries) of the 52nd Disputation «Whether in God there is knowledge of future contingents. Also, the way in which freedom of choice and the contingency of things accord with this knowledge» of the Concordia by the Jesuit theologian Luis de Molina (1535–1600). It shows the significance of Molina within the history of posttridentian Scholasticism, describes his academic biography, outlines his philosophical and theological works, explicates the genre and delineates the general scheme of his main scholastic Oeuvre, i. e. «Concordia» (1588). Besides, the article analyzes the structure of the 52nd Disputation and gives the reasons for the choice of this treatise for the translation. Additionally, the features of the present translation
    are specified and some difficult cases in the process of rendering Latin scholastic terminology are mentioned. Finally, the article contains the bibliography of the editions of works by Molina, his scholastic predecessors and contemporaries, as well as of the most important studies on his doctrine of scientia media.

  • O. M. Bashkina, V. L. Ivanov. Translator’s foreword to «On the freedom from
    necessity in decision making» by G. W. Leibniz - О.М. Башкина. В. Л. Иванов. Предисловие к переводу трактата Лейбница «О свободе от необходимости в выборе» - PDF текст в PDF, 194 KB.

    The article is a historiographical and bibliographical introduction
    to the translation from Latin of small treatise by Leibniz «On the freedom from necessity in decision making» (ca. 1680–1684). The article provides reader with the bibliographical details about the treatise and outlines the range of problems Leibniz deals with in this small work. Besides, it shows the role of this treatise as a good example representing a lot of Leibniz’s Latin fragments and working projects dealing mostly with the problems of theology and metaphysics.

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 2, No. 1/2 (3/4) 2013

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 1, No. 1/2 (1/2) 2012

Last update of the web-page - 27.07.2015

© Authors of "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology", 2012 -2015
© Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), 2012 -2015

® "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" (www.einai.ru). Scientific peer-reviewed E-periodical. ISSN 2226 - 0897. Scientific-Educational Centre for Problems of Religion, Philosophy, Culture to SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation), Russia. The Сertificate of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) of Russia on registration of Mass media Эл № ФС77- 48335
