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Antique tradition and Patristics
"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 3, No. 1/2 (5/6) 2014
- M. N. Varlamova. The concept of composition. From element to organism- М.Н. Варламова. Понятие сложности у Аристотеля. От элемента к организму - текст в PDF, 367 KB.
According to Aristotle, the science of nature deals with the elements
and the animated beings, i.e. organisms. Both of them are composed of principles, that is of form and matter, which are related to each other as actuality and potentiality. If one considers the movable as being composed of the principles, the composition comes to the fore as the being’s character that determines its ousia and nature. This article analyzes the concept of the composed being in terms of the Aristotle’s science of nature, treats the different ways of composition of matter, and explores the concept of function in regard to the organism.
- G. I. Benevitch. Apperception of Proclus’ polemic with Plotinus on matter and
evil in the Corpus Areopagiticum - Г.И. Беневич. Апперцепция полемики Прокла Диадоха с Плотином о материи и зле в Corpus Areopagiticum - текст в PDF, 462 KB.
The article deals with the ways of appropriation and transformation
of the Neoplatonist’s teaching on matter and evil in the Corpus Areopagiticum. It is shown that Christian authors (Areopagite and his scholiast, John of Scythopolis), while taking the philosophical definition of matter as τὸ μὴ ὄν, differ from the Neoplatonists
in their understanding of the goodness
- Е. N. Syrtsova. The Apocalypse of Theotokos and the question of the mercifull
eschatology in II–V c. - Е.Н. Сырцова. Апокалипсис Богородицы и вопрос о милосердной эсхатологии во II–V вв. - текст в PDF, 447 KB.
The studies of the greek manuscripts of the Apocalypse of Theotokos
in comparison with the contest of the Apocalypse of Peter, the Apocalypse of Paul, oldest versions of the Dormition of Theotokos, the Book of Henoch (II), the Apocalypse of Esdra and other apocryphal texts allow to reconsider the traditional representation
about the late origin of the Apocalypse of Theotokos, not to exclude
its appearance in III–IV c., and to note more reserved, if not polemical position of the author of both redactions of the Apocalypse of Paul relatively the idea of the final complete abolition of the other world’s punishments. The ideas of the final mercy for the damned sinners are considered as coherent in moral and anagogical senses with the conception of apocatastasis of the hope of Clement of Alexandria
and the idea of the final apocatastasis of Origen and Gregory of Nyssa.
- T. A. Shchukin. Theological and historical context of an anonymous treatise
«Of the Common Nature and the Trinity» - Т.А. Щукин. Богословско-исторический контекст анонимного трактата «Об общей природе и Троице» - текст в PDF, 371 KB.
An anonimous anti-monophysitе treatise, most probably compiled in
550–556 AD, comprises a teaching, which is nearest to Leontius of Byzantium’s theology both in terminology and in conception. The treatise also appears as an example of the fact that intra-monophysite discussions on the tritheism bore an actual meaning for the chalcedonian milieu as well.
"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 2, No. 1/2 (3/4) 2013
- M. N. Varlamova.On the problem of the unity and plurality
in the Aristotle’s doctrine of the soul - Варламова М. Н. О проблеме единства и множества в аристотелевском учении о душе - текст в PDF, 367 kb.
The article exposes the problem of the soul as the principle of the animate
body’s motions. The parts (or faculties) of the soul are interpreted as the forms of certain
parts and organs of the body determined for various motions. The soul’s being bound
up with the body determines its division into the parts according to the constitution of the body, whereas this division is presupposed for the existence of the living thing. This
being divided into parts, insofar as it refers to the soul as physical principle, leads to the
question about the soul as the principle of the unity of something. This question should
be situated as the problem on the borderland between the physical and metaphysical
- G. I. Benevitch. On some peculiarities of Origen’s doctrine of providence and prayer - Беневич Г. И. О некоторых особенностях учения Оригена о промысле и молитве - текст втекст в PDF, 429 kb.
The article analyzes some peculiarities of Origen’s doctrine of God’s providence. His polemics against the pagan doctrine of fate and astrology is discussed along
with his polemic against Celsus, who rejected God’s special providence in history. The
correlation between the providence of God, foreknowledge and predestination in
Origen’s teaching is analyzed in a frame of his doctrine of free will. A special place in the
article is dedicated to Origen’s teaching on the compatibility of providence with a prayer.
In conclusion the paper draws parallels between Origen’s doctrine of prayer and the
doctrine of prayer of the Russian Name Worshippers; prayer is not an expression of our
desire to get something from God that could influence Him, but the appropriation of
God’s will and obedience to it.
- V. M. Lurije. Identity of the Human Individual according to John Philoponus: the Physical Body in Space and the Human Body in Resurrection - Part 2 - Лурье В.М. Идентичность человеческой личности по Иоанну Филопону: физическое тело в пространстве и человеческое тело в воскресении. Часть 2 (продолжение, часть первая - в №1 за 2012 год) - текст в PDF, 439 kb.
The difficulty of reconstructing Philoponus' thought concerning the bodily Resurrection resulted from our total dependency on the Cononite sources (the monophysite tritheist party of the opponents of Philoponus): even Timothy of Constantinople (a Chalcedonian) was depending on the Cononite information, too.
The Cononites understood Philoponus' notion of εἶδος as synonymous to σχῆμα, whereas its real meaning was different (the soul as a separable ἐντελέχεια of the body etc.). Thus, the famous knot from the Cononite anti-Philoponian florilegium, the following Philoponian quotation (about the resurrected bodies):
ܘܠܐ ܒܠܚܘܕ ܒܡܢܝܢܐ ܐܚܪ̈ܝܢ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ܆ ܐܠܐ ܘܠܐ ܫܘ̈ܝܝ ܒܐܕܫܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ.
must be cut with an emendation:
ܘܒܡܢܝܢܐ ܐܚܪ̈ܝܢ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ܆ ܐܠܐ ܫܘ̈ܝܝ ܒܐܕܫܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ.
- T. A. Shchukin.«Orthodox» theologian Michael Psellos and his doctrine
of the Trinity - Щукин Т. А. «Православный» богослов Михаил Пселл и его учение о Троице - текст в PDF, 429 kb.
There’s no explicitly given doctrine of divine hypostasies’ subordination in
Michael Psellos’ theological treatises. Nevertheless, some peculiarities found in apparently triadological places in the texts of Byzantine thinker point on a certain divergence
between the essence and hypostasies, as well as on Father’s ontological supremacy over
Son and Holy Spirit. In several, very rare, occasions Psell, using the Proclus’ terminology
to describe the intra-trinity being, indicates that it has two levels, where the One, which
is common nature, is stated on the first level, while Father (taken as a henade involved
into the numerical relations), Son and Holy Spirit constitute the second level.
- D. I. Makarov.Foreword to the Russian translation of st. Neilus Cabasilas’
«A Short Treatise against the Misunderstanding by the Acindynist heretics
of the words by the divine Gregory of Nyssa who said that “There is nothing
uncreated, save for the essence of God”, together with a Dissertation about
the Fact that, along with the Divine nature, Uncreated are also Its Natural Qualities» - Макаров Д.И. Предисловие к публикации русского перевода
трактата Нила Кавасилы «Слово краткое против неправильного понимания еретиками-акиндинистами слов божественного Григория Нисского, что “нет ничего нетварного кроме Божественной природы”. Здесь же о том, что не только природа Божественная нетварна, но вместе с ней и ее природные свойства» - текст в PDF, 109 kb.
The article is introduction to the publication of the first Russian translation
of the st. Neilus Cabasilas’ treatise «A Short Treatise against the Misunderstanding by
the Acindynist heretics of the words by the divine Gregory of Nyssa who said that “There
is nothing uncreated, save for the essence of God”, together with a Dissertation about
the Fact that, along with the Divine nature, Uncreated are also Its Natural Qualities»
(a short title is «Rule of theology»). This treatise is a short account of the Palamite teaching on the distinction between essence, Hypostases and the uncreated energies in the
Triune God. It was written for the sake of providing a support to the pivotal dogmatic
Tome of the Constantinopolitan local Council of 1351.
- Нил Кавасила. Иже во святых Отца нашего Нила [Кавасилы], архиепископа
Фессалоникийского, Слово краткое против неправильного понимания
еретиками-акиндинистами слов божественного Григория Нисского,
что «нет ничего нетварного кроме Божественной природы». Здесь же
о том, что не только природа Божественная нетварна, но вместе с ней
и ее природные свойства. Пер. Д. И. Макарова; прим. Д. И. Макарова,
Д. С. Бирюкова - текст в PDF, 364 kb.
- D. S. Birjukov. On Neilus Cabasilas’ treatise «Rule of Theology» and the topic
of distinction between light and heating of a fire from st. Neilus Cabasilas
and st. Gregory of Palamas - Бирюков Д. С. О трактате «Правило богословия» св. Нила Кавасилы и теме различения между светом и теплом огня
у св. Нила Кавасилы и св. Григория Паламы - текст в PDF, 343 kb.
In this article is analysed the contents of the treatise of st. Neilus Cabasilas
«Rule of Theology». It is considered the conflict between, firstly, Cabasilas’ teaching of
non-identity of the Divine essence and energies and, secondly, his teaching of mental distinction between them. It is observed the topic of difference without division between light and heat of a fire used by Cabasilas to illustrate difference between the
Divine essence and energies and energies as such. The context of this topic in the writings of st. Gregory Palamas and, in particular, in connection with the discourse of temporality, is revealed and explored.
"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 1, No. 1/2 (1/2) 2012
- M. N. Varlamova. How could be a power without matter? Some words about the power in Aristotle's Physics - In Russian: Варламова М.Н. Есть ли сила без материи? О бесконечной силе в «Физике» Аристотеля - text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 214 kb.
The article is dedicated to the interpretation of the endless power of the first Mover in Aristotle’s Physics. In his analysis the author uses the definition of motion, composition of the movable thing and its origins. The first Mover stands out from a series of physical things because it is deprived of matter. That is why its power as the source of motion of the Sky requires a special interpretation.
- Lenka Karfikova. Names and Things according to Eunomius of Cyzicus ang Gregory of Nyssa - In Russian: Карфикова Л. Имена и вещи согласно Евномию Кизическому и Григорию Нисскому. Пер. И. Г. Бея - text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 379 kb.
Polemics between Cappadocian brothers Gregory of Nyssa and Basil of Caesarea and Neo-Arians bishop Eunomius of Cyzicus is one of the most interesting theological disputes of the 4th century, which served to formulate the propositions of Christian orthodoxy. The article does not deal with the theological substance of this polemics in whole, but it considers views of Eunomius and Gregory on the subject of speech's origin. In conclusion it is discussed the meaning of some ancient theories of speech, which were used by both polemical sides for ironic mockery of antagonist's opinions.
- V. M. Lurije. Identity of the Human Individual according to John Philoponus: the Physical Body in Space and the Human Body in Resurrection - In Russian: Лурье В.М. Идентичность человеческой личности по Иоанну Филопону: физическое тело в пространстве и человеческое тело в воскресении. Часть 1.
- text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 331 kb.
The difficulty of reconstructing Philoponus' thought concerning the bodily Resurrection resulted from our total dependency on the Cononite sources (the monophysite tritheist party of the opponents of Philoponus): even Timothy of Constantinople (a Chalcedonian) was depending on the Cononite information, too.
The Cononites understood Philoponus' notion of εἶδος as synonymous to σχῆμα, whereas its real meaning was different (the soul as a separable ἐντελέχεια of the body etc.). Thus, the famous knot from the Cononite anti-Philoponian florilegium, the following Philoponian quotation (about the resurrected bodies):
ܘܠܐ ܒܠܚܘܕ ܒܡܢܝܢܐ ܐܚܪ̈ܝܢ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ܆ ܐܠܐ ܘܠܐ ܫܘ̈ܝܝ ܒܐܕܫܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ.
must be cut with an emendation:
ܘܒܡܢܝܢܐ ܐܚܪ̈ܝܢ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ܆ ܐܠܐ ܫܘ̈ܝܝ ܒܐܕܫܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ.
- D. S. Birjukov. Τό ἄπειρον: the aspects of understanding by John Philoponus, the later Platonists and st John Damascene - In Russian: Бирюков Д.С. Τό ἄπειρον: аспекты понимания у Иоанна Филопона, поздних платоников и св. Иоанна Дамаскина - text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 324 kb.
The article is dedicated to analyses of the topic of infinity according to John Philoponus, John Damascenes and members of the Alexandrian Neoplatonist school. It is demonstrated that Aristotelian understanding of infinity which denies the existence of actual infinity and admits the existence of potential infinity, being taken as the background, results in two extreme positions. Firstly, it is Philoponus’ discourse which, based on rejecting of the existence of actual infinity, leads to rejecting of potential infinity as well, for the same reason, that for Philoponus potential infinity is reduced to the actual one. Secondly, it is Damascenes’ discourse which is opposite to the discourse of Philoponus and which admits a discourse of the existence of actual infinity in both Divine and created spheres.
- Аммоний, Иоанн Филопон, Симпликий о «бесконечном»-«беспредельном»-«неопределенном». Переводы фрагментов сочинений. Пер. З. А. Барзах - text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 229 kb.
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