Είναι. Σοφόν τό σαφές   ISSN 2226 - 0897
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Antique tradition and Patristics


  • Dmitriy Biryukov  

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 3, No. 1/2 (5/6) 2014

  • M. N. Varlamova. The concept of composition. From element to organism- М.Н. Варламова. Понятие сложности у Аристотеля. От элемента к организму - PDF текст в PDF, 367 KB.

    According to Aristotle, the science of nature deals with the elements
    and the animated beings, i.e. organisms. Both of them are composed of principles, that is of form and matter, which are related to each other as actuality and potentiality. If one considers the movable as being composed of the principles, the composition comes to the fore as the being’s character that determines its ousia and nature. This article analyzes the concept of the composed being in terms of the Aristotle’s science of nature, treats the different ways of composition of matter, and explores the concept of function in regard to the organism.

  • G. I. Benevitch. Apperception of Proclus’ polemic with Plotinus on matter and
    evil in the Corpus Areopagiticum - Г.И. Беневич. Апперцепция полемики Прокла Диадоха с Плотином о материи и зле в Corpus Areopagiticum - PDF текст в PDF, 462 KB.

    The article deals with the ways of appropriation and transformation
    of the Neoplatonist’s teaching on matter and evil in the Corpus Areopagiticum. It is shown that Christian authors (Areopagite and his scholiast, John of Scythopolis), while taking the philosophical definition of matter as τὸ μὴ ὄν, differ from the Neoplatonists
    in their understanding of the goodness

  • Е. N. Syrtsova. The Apocalypse of Theotokos and the question of the mercifull
    eschatology in II–V c. - Е.Н. Сырцова. Апокалипсис Богородицы и вопрос о милосердной эсхатологии во II–V вв. - PDF текст в PDF, 447 KB.

    The studies of the greek manuscripts of the Apocalypse of Theotokos
    in comparison with the contest of the Apocalypse of Peter, the Apocalypse of Paul, oldest versions of the Dormition of Theotokos, the Book of Henoch (II), the Apocalypse of Esdra and other apocryphal texts allow to reconsider the traditional representation
    about the late origin of the Apocalypse of Theotokos, not to exclude
    its appearance in III–IV c., and to note more reserved, if not polemical position of the author of both redactions of the Apocalypse of Paul relatively the idea of the final complete abolition of the other world’s punishments. The ideas of the final mercy for the damned sinners are considered as coherent in moral and anagogical senses with the conception of apocatastasis of the hope of Clement of Alexandria
    and the idea of the final apocatastasis of Origen and Gregory of Nyssa.

  • T. A. Shchukin. Theological and historical context of an anonymous treatise
    «Of the Common Nature and the Trinity» - Т.А. Щукин. Богословско-исторический контекст анонимного трактата «Об общей природе и Троице» - PDF текст в PDF, 371 KB.

    An anonimous anti-monophysitе treatise, most probably compiled in
    550–556 AD, comprises a teaching, which is nearest to Leontius of Byzantium’s theology both in terminology and in conception. The treatise also appears as an example of the fact that intra-monophysite discussions on the tritheism bore an actual meaning for the chalcedonian milieu as well.

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 2, No. 1/2 (3/4) 2013

"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 1, No. 1/2 (1/2) 2012  

Last update of the web-page - 27.07.2015

© Authors of "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology", 2012 -2015
© Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), 2012 -2015

® "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" (www.einai.ru). Scientific peer-reviewed E-periodical. ISSN 2226 - 0897. Scientific-Educational Centre for Problems of Religion, Philosophy, Culture to SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation), Russia. The Сertificate of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) of Russia on registration of Mass media Эл № ФС77- 48335
