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Vol. 1, No. 1/2 (1/2) 2012 "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology"
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Scientific-Educational Centre of Problems of Religion, Philosophy, Culture to SUAI (Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation) presents "ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" Volume 1, No. 1/2 (1/2) 2012

Сontemporary Philosophical and Theological researches

  • A. N. Isakov. God and Being: Christianity and philosophy - In Russian: Исаков. А. Н. Бог и бытие: христианство и философия - PDF text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 190 kb.

    The problem of compatibility of Being and God is a fundamental problem of a tradition making of philosophical knowledge, its dependence on entry conditions which always demand some define in the future in a concrete cultural and historical situation. The modern situation after Heidegger and failure of existential philosophy can be characterized as weakening of Being (Gianni Vattimo's term). Probably, strengthening of idea of God, its role as sense creation factor will be one of consequences of it. But it is obvious that intelligent dialogue between philosophy and Christian theology in the general conceptual field is very actual at present.

  • A. K. Sekatskiy. The ontological and teological aspects of «not-to-be in a hurry» - In Russian: Секацкий А.К. Неспешность: онтологические и теологические аспекты -PDF text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 226 kb.

    The situation of modernity reflects itself as multiplicity of speeds and all kinds of quickness. Conditions of human being are changing according the grows of communication, wanting and art-producing. The most difficult state of Today is «not to be in a hurry», at the same time it is the most important state.
    This article treats some social reasons of such a situation. Special attention is devoted to so called “modern creative activity”.

  • D. U. Orlov. From constitutive acting towards poiesis: Heidegger's hermeneutic method - In Russian: Орлов Д.У. От конституирования к поэзису: герменевтический метод Хайдеггера - PDF text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 262 kb.

    Does anything exist beyond intentional purposes? It is known that Husserl's transcendental philosophy answers to this question in the unambiguously negative way. Heidegger does not accept readily the principle of totality of consciousness, which is introduced by Husserl. Heidegger overcomes the intentionality because of following to the question of being. The article considers some aspects of that shift, which is described as the conversion of the transcendental-phenomenological attitude into the hermeneutic one.

German idealism: Sources and Influences

Scholastic tradition and Renaissance humanism

Antique tradition and Patristics

Methodological studies

  • A. V. Achutin. «Homonymy» in translation of philosophical terms - In Russian: Ахутин А.В. «Омонимия» в переводе философских понятий -PDF text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 272 kb.

    Translation of philosophical terms encounters special difficulties. The philosophical concept, on the one hand, is deeply connected with semantics of language in which develops. On the other hand, a subject, which it concerns (“world”, “nature”, “consciousness”, “concept” itselfs…), arises – as if for the first time – in the original logic of speculation and is defined by it. For philosophical systems basically there is no general extraphilosophical thesaurus which could be used for translation. For example, if the Greek words “idea” or “kosmos” is used today for translation of corresponding terms of the Greek philosophy, there is a literal homonymy.


  • A. I. Dovatur. Plato on Aristotle - In Russian: Доватур А.И. Платон об Аристотеле -PDF text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 248 kb.

    The paper of Prof. A. I. Dovatur “Plato on Aristotle” (1966) examines Plato’s praise of his pupil preserved in Vita Marciana and Vita Aristotelis Latina, both reflecting ancient biographical tradition according to which Plato called Aristotle’s house “the reader’s house”, and when Aristotle was not present among his listeners he used to say that the “the mind is absent”. Presuming these words to be authentic, Dovatur recognizes the ironic touch in them. He argues that for the follower of Socrates written texts would have little value in contrast to oral dispute; thus Plato could hardly have approved of Aristotle’s passion for reading.

  • M. M. Pozdnev. Plato on Aristotle. An afterword - In Russian: Позднев М.М. Платон об Аристотеле. Послесловие к публикации -PDF text in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), 177 kb.

    The review of Dovatur’s argument points out various testimonies of Plato’s own fondness of literature and his interest in it shared by the Socrates of his dialogues. The reader’s attention is drawn secondly to the intentions of a biographer, probably a Neo-Platonist, to represent Aristotle as an adherent of Platonic philosophy. Even his great learning is admired in context of this faithfulness to his teacher. The authentic meaning of Plato’s word might well be ironic, but the irony pace Dovatur is called forth not by Aristotle’s wide reading per se, but by his famous scrupulousness, an effect of great erudition that often makes a good student very uncomfortable for a good lecturer.

Critical reviews

Last update of the web-page - 27.07.2015

© Authors of "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology", 2012 -2015
© Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), 2012 -2015

® "EINAI: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" (www.einai.ru). Scientific peer-reviewed E-periodical. ISSN 2226 - 0897. Scientific-Educational Centre for Problems of Religion, Philosophy, Culture to SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation), Russia. The Сertificate of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) of Russia on registration of Mass media Эл № ФС77- 48335
