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Scientific-Educational Centre for Problems of Religion, Philosophy, Culture to SUAI (Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation) presents
"ΕΙΝΑΙ: The Problems of Philosophy and Theology" №2 - 2012 Volume 2, No. 1/2 (3/4) 2013
Сontemporary Philosophical and Theological researches
- Chubarov I. M. Reified thing vs materialized consciousness. Interaction
of conceptions «defamiliarization» and «alienation» in Russian Avant-garde - Чубаров И. М. Освобожденная вещь vs. овеществленное сознание. Взаимодействие понятий «остранение» (Verfremdung) и «отчуждение» (Entfremdung) в русском авангарде - текст в PDF, 293 kb.
The article surveys the conceptual link between defamiliarization as a key
term of Russian formalism and avant-garde and German-rooted philosophical term
alienation. Connection between these two crucial terms is based on the analyses of
differences between labor and creativity, comprehension of Thing and the subject in
History of Philosophy and Theory of Art. Thus, the main goal of this article becomes an
evaluation of capacity for criticism of formalism and art-implications of Neo-Marxism.
- N. A. Grjakalov. Invocation of things: fetishes - Грякалов Н. А. Волшба вещей: фетиши - текст в PDF, 248 kb.
The article is devoted to the detection of fetishes’ world in terms of descriptions of specific experience of consciousness. The functioning of fetishes in human reality
is observed by means of the research of powerful and magic order of things. The magical
things are understood as the reinforcement of human being. Starting from the culture of
werewolves, masks, totems, sacred function of money, mystics of name, vicissitudes of
signature is explained the ground of first-person actions thereby the genealogy of person.
- Orlov D. U. Hystory and Poiesis - Орлов Д. У. История и поэзис - текст в PDF, 293 kb.
In the field of historical and philosophical tradition (demonstrated by giving
the examples of Eckhart and Seuse, Hegel and Feuerbach, Heidegger and Deleuze) is considered the modalities of event in relations to the forms of its localization. Hystory and
poiesis are the space of sense for event’s interpretation. Their difference is defined by purpose of «the history of ontology destruction», which is formulated by Heidegger in «Being
and Time». The primary attention directs to the place of event in contexts of presentation
(rationalism), objectification (phenomenology) and experience of being poiesis (ontology).
German idealism: Sources and Influences
- I. A. Protopopov. Hegel’s Logic as speculative theology and the concept
of God in his «Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion» - Протопопов И. А. Гегелевская логика как спекулятивная теология и понятие о Боге в его «Лекциях по философии религии» - текст в PDF, 354 kb.
The article is devoted to the problem of theological interpretation of Hegel’s
Logic, which is conceived as speculative theology in correlation with the concept of God
in his «Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion». The author shows that the «Science of
Logic» of Hegel as a science, representing the self-revelation of the absolute idea, manifests own existence of God, which is cognized in the form of concept. It is metaphysical
theology, which considers the evolution of the concept of God in the sphere of pure
thought. However, the absolute idea unfolding of the existence of God in his eternal
essence attains a higher concrete being only through unity with the human consciousness in the form of self-knowledge of the absolute spirit. Not the original being, but
self-revelation of God through the positing of her for himself being, investigated in the
framework of the «Philosophy of Spirit», makes the true actuality as Spirit.
- A. B. Patkul. The Comments to the Publication of the Russian Translation
of F. W. J. Schelling’s Treatise «On the Source of Eternal Truths» - Паткуль А. Б. К публикации русского перевода «Трактата об источнике вечных истин» Ф. В. Й. Шеллинга - текст в PDF, 419 kb.
This article is made as the comments, which accompanies the publication
of translation of late F. W. J. Schelling’s treatise titled «On the Source of Eternal Truths»
(1850) in Russian. Three reasons of actuality of such translation are emphasized here.
Frist of all, it shows the originality of Schelling’s relationship to the history of philosophy,
including ancient and medieval philosophy. In the second place, the treatise let us see
peculiarity of Schelling’s position in the framework of philosophy of modern philosophy
in general and of the German idealism in particular. In the third place, this could shape
the understanding of Schelling’s late philosophy for contemporary philosophy.
- Ф. В. Й. Шеллинг. Трактат об источнике вечных истин. Пер. А. Б. Паткуля;
коммент. А. Б. Паткуля,В. Л. Иванова, О. Н. Ноговицина - текст в PDF, 689 kb.
Scholastic tradition and Renaissance humanism
- V. L. Ivanov.«On the unity of the concept of being» by Peter Aureoli.
Translator’s foreword - Иванов В. Л. Предисловие к публикации перевода
трактата Петра Ауреоли «О единстве понятия сущего» - текст в PDF, 313 kb.
The article is a historiographical introduction to the translation (with commentaries) of the treatise «On the unity of the concept of being» by the Franciscan
theologian Peter Aureoli (ca. 1280–1322). It shows the significance of Aureoli within the
history of Scholasticism, describes his academic and order biography, outlines his philosophical and theological works, and explicates the genre and style differences between
the two versions of his main scholastic Oeuvre, i. e. «Commentary on the Sentences of
Peter Lombard»: Scriptum and Reportatio. Besides, the article analyzes the structure of
the treatise «On the unity of the concept of being» in the both versions and gives the
reasons for the choice of the later Reportation-version (i. e. of 5 questions of the second
distinction of the Book I) for the translation. Additionally, the features of the present
translation are specified and some difficult cases in the process of rendering Latin scholastic terminology are mentioned. Finally, the article contains the bibliography of the
editions of works by Aureoli, his scholastic predecessors and contemporaries, as well as
of the most important studies on the essential aspects of his doctrine.
- Петр Ауреоли, ОМБ. [О единстве понятия сущего. Часть I] Репортация
о первой книге Сентенций Петра Ломбардского. Дистинкция 2, часть 1, вопросы 1–3. Пер. и прим. В. Л. Иванова - текст в PDF, 696 kb.
- Шмутц Якоб. Божественная наука и метафизика у Франсиско Суареса. Пер. А. Ю. Семаш, В. Л. Иванова - текст в PDF, 625 kb.
Antique tradition and Patristics
- M. N. Varlamova.On the problem of the unity and plurality
in the Aristotle’s doctrine of the soul - Варламова М. Н. О проблеме единства и множества в аристотелевском учении о душе - текст в PDF, 367 kb.
The article exposes the problem of the soul as the principle of the animate
body’s motions. The parts (or faculties) of the soul are interpreted as the forms of certain
parts and organs of the body determined for various motions. The soul’s being bound
up with the body determines its division into the parts according to the constitution of the body, whereas this division is presupposed for the existence of the living thing. This
being divided into parts, insofar as it refers to the soul as physical principle, leads to the
question about the soul as the principle of the unity of something. This question should
be situated as the problem on the borderland between the physical and metaphysical
- G. I. Benevitch. On some peculiarities of Origen’s doctrine of providence and prayer - Беневич Г. И. О некоторых особенностях учения Оригена о промысле и молитве - текст в PDF, 309 kb.
The article analyzes some peculiarities of Origen’s doctrine of God’s providence. His polemics against the pagan doctrine of fate and astrology is discussed along
with his polemic against Celsus, who rejected God’s special providence in history. The
correlation between the providence of God, foreknowledge and predestination in
Origen’s teaching is analyzed in a frame of his doctrine of free will. A special place in the
article is dedicated to Origen’s teaching on the compatibility of providence with a prayer.
In conclusion the paper draws parallels between Origen’s doctrine of prayer and the
doctrine of prayer of the Russian Name Worshippers; prayer is not an expression of our
desire to get something from God that could influence Him, but the appropriation of
God’s will and obedience to it.
- V. M. Lurije. Identity of the Human Individual according to John Philoponus: the Physical Body in Space and the Human Body in Resurrection - Part 2 - Лурье В.М. Идентичность человеческой личности по Иоанну Филопону: физическое тело в пространстве и человеческое тело в воскресении. Часть 2 (продолжение, часть первая - в №1 за 2012 год) - текст в PDF, 439 kb.
The difficulty of reconstructing Philoponus' thought concerning the bodily Resurrection resulted from our total dependency on the Cononite sources (the monophysite tritheist party of the opponents of Philoponus): even Timothy of Constantinople (a Chalcedonian) was depending on the Cononite information, too.
The Cononites understood Philoponus' notion of εἶδος as synonymous to σχῆμα, whereas its real meaning was different (the soul as a separable ἐντελέχεια of the body etc.). Thus, the famous knot from the Cononite anti-Philoponian florilegium, the following Philoponian quotation (about the resurrected bodies):
ܘܠܐ ܒܠܚܘܕ ܒܡܢܝܢܐ ܐܚܪ̈ܝܢ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ܆ ܐܠܐ ܘܠܐ ܫܘ̈ܝܝ ܒܐܕܫܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ.
must be cut with an emendation:
ܘܒܡܢܝܢܐ ܐܚܪ̈ܝܢ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ ܕܐܝܬܝܗܘܢ܆ ܐܠܐ ܫܘ̈ܝܝ ܒܐܕܫܐ ܠܗ̇ܢܘܢ.
- T. A. Shchukin.«Orthodox» theologian Michael Psellos and his doctrine
of the Trinity - Щукин Т. А. «Православный» богослов Михаил Пселл и его учение о Троице - текст в PDF, 429 kb.
There’s no explicitly given doctrine of divine hypostasies’ subordination in
Michael Psellos’ theological treatises. Nevertheless, some peculiarities found in apparently triadological places in the texts of Byzantine thinker point on a certain divergence
between the essence and hypostasies, as well as on Father’s ontological supremacy over
Son and Holy Spirit. In several, very rare, occasions Psell, using the Proclus’ terminology
to describe the intra-trinity being, indicates that it has two levels, where the One, which
is common nature, is stated on the first level, while Father (taken as a henade involved
into the numerical relations), Son and Holy Spirit constitute the second level.
- D. I. Makarov.Foreword to the Russian translation of st. Neilus Cabasilas’
«A Short Treatise against the Misunderstanding by the Acindynist heretics
of the words by the divine Gregory of Nyssa who said that “There is nothing
uncreated, save for the essence of God”, together with a Dissertation about
the Fact that, along with the Divine nature, Uncreated are also Its Natural Qualities» - Макаров Д.И. Предисловие к публикации русского перевода
трактата Нила Кавасилы «Слово краткое против неправильного понимания еретиками-акиндинистами слов божественного Григория Нисского, что “нет ничего нетварного кроме Божественной природы”. Здесь же о том, что не только природа Божественная нетварна, но вместе с ней и ее природные свойства» - текст в PDF, 109 kb.
The article is introduction to the publication of the first Russian translation
of the st. Neilus Cabasilas’ treatise «A Short Treatise against the Misunderstanding by
the Acindynist heretics of the words by the divine Gregory of Nyssa who said that “There
is nothing uncreated, save for the essence of God”, together with a Dissertation about
the Fact that, along with the Divine nature, Uncreated are also Its Natural Qualities»
(a short title is «Rule of theology»). This treatise is a short account of the Palamite teaching on the distinction between essence, Hypostases and the uncreated energies in the
Triune God. It was written for the sake of providing a support to the pivotal dogmatic
Tome of the Constantinopolitan local Council of 1351.
- Нил Кавасила. Иже во святых Отца нашего Нила [Кавасилы], архиепископа
Фессалоникийского, Слово краткое против неправильного понимания
еретиками-акиндинистами слов божественного Григория Нисского,
что «нет ничего нетварного кроме Божественной природы». Здесь же
о том, что не только природа Божественная нетварна, но вместе с ней
и ее природные свойства. Пер. Д. И. Макарова; прим. Д. И. Макарова,
Д. С. Бирюкова - текст в PDF, 364 kb.
- D. S. Birjukov. On Neilus Cabasilas’ treatise «Rule of Theology» and the topic
of distinction between light and heating of a fire from st. Neilus Cabasilas
and st. Gregory of Palamas - Бирюков Д. С. О трактате «Правило богословия» св. Нила Кавасилы и теме различения между светом и теплом огня
у св. Нила Кавасилы и св. Григория Паламы - текст в PDF, 343 kb.
In this article is analysed the contents of the treatise of st. Neilus Cabasilas
«Rule of Theology». It is considered the conflict between, firstly, Cabasilas’ teaching of
non-identity of the Divine essence and energies and, secondly, his teaching of mental distinction between them. It is observed the topic of difference without division between light and heat of a fire used by Cabasilas to illustrate difference between the
Divine essence and energies and energies as such. The context of this topic in the writings of st. Gregory Palamas and, in particular, in connection with the discourse of temporality, is revealed and explored.
Methodological studies
- Топоров В. Н. Еще раз о др. греч. ΣΟΦΙΑ: происхождение слова и его внутренний смысл - текст в PDF, 541 kb.
- S. D. Kleiner, M. M. Pozdnev.«On Greek ΣΟΦΙΑ»: an afterword - Клейнер С.Д., Позднев М.М. «О древнегреческой ΣΟΦΙΑ»: Послесловие - текст в PDF, 330 kb.
V. N. Toporov’s article is a monument to «semiotic lingvoculturology» that
was rather in vogue in Russian (and other) liberal scholarship of the 70s (and later). The
author’s statements have already been refuted in brief by A. K. Gavrilov; the criticism,
in turn, has also been criticized. This, along with the towering complexity of the σοφία
issue, has prompted us to reanimate the topic. The idea that σοφία could stem from
PIE *s(w)ebh- allows the author to speculate freely on a vast array of cultural matters,
covering ground from early Greek literature to Russian religious philosophy in one wide
sweep. However, the construction is faulty in all aspects. Thus, soph- is not compatible
with known PIE material, and probably is a Pre-Greek, or at least, a non-Greek borrowing; there’s much textological evidence against σοφία being God-inspired; and, finally,
the semantic development probably happened along the lines of «a skill» — «cleverness» — «intelligence».
Critical reviews
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